These photos in our photo gallery were taken throughout the year by current students and alumni of Redmond Toddler Group. Our class time is filled with so many fun activities. Classes may begin with open art where children and parents work on an art project. These art projects become wonderful keepsakes of your child’s first school experience. We move onto circle time, where our teacher sing songs and interact with our toddlers. Teacher interaction include asking our toddlers questions or asking them to come up and grab shakers or bells. Our teachers read stories and also use other interactive learning tools as you can see in our pictures. Perfecting designed for toddlers ages 4-42 months, our parents and toddlers have a fun time growing and learning together. Come and join us! To learn more about or program, please click HERE.

Special thanks to Megan Mehlum Photography for her photos of the reading nest, fire truck, and castle.

Do you have any memories or photos to contribute to our Redmond Toddler Group photo gallery? Please email us at Thank you!