Join us at Chipotle at 17875 Redmond Way, Ste 170 in Redmond on Tuesday, October 19 from 4-8pm for a fundraiser to support RTG. Show this FLYER in-store, or enter our unique code in their online app/website under “promo code” for pickup (2EJW2R3). Please click HERE for instructions on using the code for online ordering. Delivery on meals will not count toward our fundraiser, and ordering through a 3rd party (such as Grubhub) for pickup doesn’t qualify either. Thank you for your support!

Date: Tuesday 10/19/21
Time: 4pm-8pm
Location: 17875 Redmond Way Ste 170, Redmond, WA 98052-4936
Online Order Code: 2EJW2R3

Ordering Guidelines:
In order for your purchase to count towards your fundraiser, your supporters must either

a) verbally tell our cashier of their participation

b) show a physical fundraiser flyer

c) show a digital flyer on a smartphone or other mobile device

d) use your fundraiser’s online ordering code to place an order for pickup through the Chipotle app or website.

Reminder:*Delivery orders do not count toward our profits
*Orders made through third party do not count